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kadoe-service v1.0.3

Service to retrieve a vehicle’s Keeper at Date of Event (KADOE)

Click here to see this OpenAPI specification in JSON format.

Base URLs

Email: DVLA API Team


  • HTTP Authentication, scheme: bearer Valid JWT token issued as a result of authentication using the DVLA Authentication API

  • API Key (apiKeyAuth)

    • Parameter Name: X-API-Key, in: header. API key used to access the service



POST /v1/vehicle-keeper

Retrieve Keeper at Date of Event for a vehicle.


Name In Type Required Restrictions Description
body body KadoeRequest true none The vehicle’s registration number or chassis number, the reason for the enquiry, and the event date time.

Example Request

curl -X POST  -d '{
  "enquirerId": "AA123",
  "reasonCode": "00AC",
  "registrationNumber": "AA19AAA",
  "eventDate": "2023-07-04",
  "referenceNumber": "co6wz38alj0h"
}' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Keeper details at date of event KadoeResponse
400 Bad Request Bad Request ErrorResponse
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized None
403 Forbidden Forbidden None
404 Not Found Not found ErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error ErrorResponse
503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable None

Additional common error responses are listed in the Common Error Responses page.

Example Response

Keeper details at date of event

  "registrationNumber": "XYZ1",
  "make": "PEUGEOT",
  "model": "307 CC",
  "colour": "Black",
  "taxStatus": "Taxed",
  "keeper": {
    "title": "MR",
    "firstNames": "JOE",
    "lastName": "BLOGGS",
    "address": {
      "line1": "123 EXAMPLE STREET",
      "line2": "EXAMPLE TOWN",
      "line5": "EXAMPLE CITY",
      "postcode": "SA1 1AA"
  "registrationNumber": "XYZ1",
  "make": "PEUGEOT",
  "model": "307 CC",
  "fleetNumber": 4,
  "colour": "Black",
  "taxStatus": "Taxed",
  "keeper": {
    "companyName": "EXAMPLE & SONS",
    "address": {
      "line1": "123 EXAMPLE STREET",
      "line2": "EXAMPLE TOWN",
      "line5": "EXAMPLE CITY",
      "postcode": "SA1 1AA"

400 Response

  "errors": [
      "status": 400,
      "code": "ENQ102",
      "detail": "Invalid format for field - vehicle registration number"

Not found

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV002",
      "detail": "Details unavailable response to follow"
  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV003",
      "detail": "No information found"

Internal Server Error

  "errors": [
      "status": 500,
      "code": "ENV004",
      "detail": "System returned error"



  "enquirerId": "AA001",
  "linkProviderId": "A01",
  "reasonCode": "00ET",
  "registrationNumber": "XYZ1",
  "chassisVin": "VF33BRFNC83846199",
  "eventDate": "2006-05-26",
  "referenceNumber": "ABC123"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
enquirerId string true none Identifier for the enquirer.
linkProviderId string false none Identifier for the link provider, should there be one.
reasonCode string true none Code indicating the reason for the enquiry.
registrationNumber RegistrationNumber false none Vehicle’s registration number.
chassisVin ChassisVin false none Vehicle’s chassis identification number.
eventDate string(YYYY-MM-DD) true none The date of event in format YYYY-MM-DD.
referenceNumber string true none Alpha-numeric reference provided by the enquirer.


  "registrationNumber": "XYZ1",
  "chassisVin": "VF33BRFNC83846199",
  "make": "PEUGEOT",
  "model": "307 CC",
  "fleetNumber": 4,
  "colour": "Black",
  "secondaryColour": "Red",
  "keeper": {
    "title": "MR",
    "firstNames": "Simon",
    "lastName": "Fleet",
    "companyName": "Microsoft",
    "address": {
      "line1": "DVLA Long View Rd",
      "line2": "Morriston",
      "line3": "Clase",
      "line4": "Swansea",
      "line5": "West Glamorgan",
      "postcode": "SA6 7JL"
  "message": "Vehicle stolen at date of event",
  "taxStatus": "Taxed",
  "seatingCapacity": 5,
  "bodyType": "Box Van",
  "taxClass": "Disabled"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
registrationNumber RegistrationNumber false none Vehicle’s registration number.
chassisVin ChassisVin false none Vehicle’s chassis identification number.
make string false none The make of the vehicle.
model string false none The model of the vehicle.
fleetNumber string false none The assigned fleet number of the vehicle.
colour string false none The vehicle’s colour.
secondaryColour string false none Another colour present on the vehicle.
keeper Keeper false none none
message string false none Information message for stolen, scrapped and exported vehicles.
taxStatus string false Enum: Not Taxed for on Road Use,SORN,Untaxed,Taxed
The current tax status of the vehicle.
seatingCapacity integer(int32) false none The seating capacity of the vehicle.
bodyType string false none The body type of the vehicle.
taxClass string false none The tax class of the vehicle.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
taxStatus Not Taxed for on Road Use
taxStatus SORN
taxStatus Untaxed
taxStatus Taxed


  "title": "MR",
  "firstNames": "Simon",
  "lastName": "Fleet",
  "companyName": "Microsoft",
  "address": {
    "line1": "DVLA Long View Rd",
    "line2": "Morriston",
    "line3": "Clase",
    "line4": "Swansea",
    "line5": "West Glamorgan",
    "postcode": "SA6 7JL"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
title string false none Title of the person who is the registered keeper of the vehicle.
firstNames string false none First names of the person who is the registered keeper of the vehicle.
lastName string false none Last name of the person who is the registered keeper of the vehicle.
companyName string false none Name of the company who is the registered keeper of the vehicle
address Address false none none


  "line1": "DVLA Long View Rd",
  "line2": "Morriston",
  "line3": "Clase",
  "line4": "Swansea",
  "line5": "West Glamorgan",
  "postcode": "SA6 7JL"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
line1 string false none none
line2 string false none none
line3 string false none none
line4 string false none none
line5 string false none none
postcode string false none none



Vehicle’s registration number.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false Pattern: ^(([A-Za-z]{1,2}[ ]?[0-9]{1,4}) ([A-Za-z]{3}[ ]?[0-9]{1,3})



Vehicle’s chassis identification number.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false none Vehicle’s chassis identification number.


  "errors": [
      "status": 400,
      "code": "ENQ102",
      "detail": "Invalid format for field - vehicle registration number"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
errors [Error] true none none


  "status": 400,
  "code": "ENQ102",
  "detail": "Invalid format for field - vehicle registration number"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status integer(int32) false none HTTP status code
code string false none DVLA reference code
detail string false none A meaningful description of the error which has occurred