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DVLA Driving Licence Renewal API v0.1.3

Allows DVLA partners to support driving licence renewal applications

Click here to see this OpenAPI specification in JSON format.

Base URLs

Terms of service Email: DVLA Digital Services Support


  • HTTP Authentication, scheme: bearer Valid JWT token issued as a result of authentication using the DVLA Authentication API

  • API Key (apiKeyAuth)

    • Parameter Name: X-API-Key, in: header. API key used to access the service



POST /v1/drivers/renewal

Submit a driving licence renewal application


Name In Type Required Restrictions Description
X-Correlation-ID header string false none Link log messages to a specific application request
body body DrivingLicenceRenewalRequest true none Application being submitted

Example Request

curl -X POST  -d '{
  "handler": {
    "originatorId": "POL",
    "transactionID": "123456789012345678901234",
    "userId": "john-smith",
    "branchId": "a123",
    "terminalId": "1581239",
    "localDateTime": "2022-01-01T09:00:00Z"
  "driverNumber": "MCADI801206HZ9HM",
  "transactionType": "TYRR",
  "applicationReferenceNumber": "98269432242880068489880451264",
  "feePaid": 1575,
  "investigationRequired": true,
  "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01T09:00:00Z",
  "daytimePhone": "01234567890",
  "photo": {
    "photoOverride": false,
    "icaoCompliant": true,
    "eyesOpen": true,
    "exposure": true,
    "frontalView": true,
    "greyscaleDensity": true,
    "uniformLighting": true,
    "headWidth": true,
    "headLength": true,
    "widthHeightRatio": true,
    "resolution": true,
    "verticalPosition": true,
    "horizontallyCentered": true,
    "photographImage": "BASE64JPEGSTRING"
  "signatureImage": "BASE64IMAGEDATASTRING",
  "licenceStatus": {
    "photocardSurrendered": true,
    "photocardIssueNumber": "12",
    "counterpartSurrendered": false,
    "counterpartIssueNumber": "3",
    "lostMarker": false,
    "stolenMarker": false,
    "defacedMarker": false,
    "destroyedMarker": false
  "twoDBarcode": "9826943224281001848986045116301GAIR                          GERARD                        SWAN                          34 SAXON CLOSE                SA1 1SD ",
  "updateAddress": {
    "unstructuredAddress": {
      "line1": "123 Any Street",
      "postTown": "Anytown",
      "postcode": "SA1 1AA"
  "photoCardFront": "BASE64JPEGSTRING",
  "photoCardBack": "BASE64JPEGSTRING",
  "organDonor": {
    "anyOrgans": false,
    "kidneys": true,
    "liver": true,
    "heart": false,
    "cornea": false,
    "pancreas": true,
    "lungs": false
}' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'X-Correlation-ID: b5d9b2bd-6e8f-4275-bdd3-c8086fe09c52' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' -H 'X-API-Key: API_KEY'


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Application accepted DrivingLicenceRenewalResponse
400 Bad Request Invalid parameters BadRequestErrorResponse
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected error InternalServerErrorResponse

Additional common error responses are listed in the Common Error Responses page.

Example Response

202 Response

  "transactionId": "0922b8b5-a75b-4038-ae27-44bb36062af0"



  "handler": {
    "originatorId": "POL",
    "transactionID": "123456789012345678901234",
    "userId": "john-smith",
    "branchId": "a123",
    "terminalId": "1581239",
    "localDateTime": "2022-01-01T09:00:00Z"
  "driverNumber": "MCADI801206HZ9HM",
  "transactionType": "TYRR",
  "applicationReferenceNumber": "98269432242880068489880451264",
  "feePaid": 1575,
  "investigationRequired": true,
  "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01T09:00:00Z",
  "daytimePhone": "01234567890",
  "photo": {
    "photoOverride": false,
    "icaoCompliant": true,
    "eyesOpen": true,
    "exposure": true,
    "frontalView": true,
    "greyscaleDensity": true,
    "uniformLighting": true,
    "headWidth": true,
    "headLength": true,
    "widthHeightRatio": true,
    "resolution": true,
    "verticalPosition": true,
    "horizontallyCentered": true,
    "photographImage": "BASE64JPEGSTRING"
  "signatureImage": "BASE64IMAGEDATASTRING",
  "licenceStatus": {
    "photocardSurrendered": true,
    "photocardIssueNumber": "12",
    "counterpartSurrendered": false,
    "counterpartIssueNumber": "3",
    "lostMarker": false,
    "stolenMarker": false,
    "defacedMarker": false,
    "destroyedMarker": false
  "twoDBarcode": "9826943224281001848986045116301GAIR                          GERARD                        SWAN                          34 SAXON CLOSE                SA1 1SD ",
  "updateAddress": {
    "unstructuredAddress": {
      "line1": "123 Any Street",
      "postTown": "Anytown",
      "postcode": "SA1 1AA"
  "photoCardFront": "BASE64JPEGSTRING",
  "photoCardBack": "BASE64JPEGSTRING",
  "organDonor": {
    "anyOrgans": false,
    "kidneys": true,
    "liver": true,
    "heart": false,
    "cornea": false,
    "pancreas": true,
    "lungs": false



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
handler Handler true none Request meta data
drivingLicenceNumber string false Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$
Min length: 16
Max length: 16
A UK driving licence number
transactionType string true Enum: TYRR,TYRPC
A field denoting the transaction type
TYRR for a renewal reminder
TYRPC for a photocard renewal
applicationReferenceNumber string false Max length: 29
The application reference number as detailed in the barcode part of a D798 form
feePaid integer true Maximum: 999999
The total amount taken from the customer at the counter for this transaction in pence
investigationRequired boolean false none When the indicator is set to Y, the clerk has decided that the DVLA should investigate the application
dateOfBirth string(date) false none The customer’s date of birth
daytimePhone string false Min length: 1
Max length: 30
A daytime UK contact number
photo Photo true none Photo image and qualify checks
signatureImage string false none Driver signature contentMediaType: “image/[png
updateAddress UpdateAddress false none If supplied, at least one and only one of a Structured PAF, Unstructured Address lines or BFPO address must be provided - oneOf notation avoided due to not being ubiquitously supported. This is the address to be used for external dispatch. This will be converted into a standard printable address format for output in the address window. For bulk mail handling, the majority (90% at the time of writing) of dispatch addresses need to match valid Royal Mail address with corresponding DPS and mailsort code information.
licenceStatus LicenceStatus false none Licence Data
twoDBarcode string false Max length: 159
159 character representation of the contents of the Reminder barcode
organDonor OrganDonor false none Organ Donor
photoCardFront string false none Photocard front - only required for Photocard (non Reminder) applications. contentMediaType: "image/jpeg”, “contentEncoding”: “base64”
photoCardBack string false none Photocard back - only required for Photocard (non Reminder) applications. contentMediaType: “image/jpeg”, “contentEncoding”: “base64”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
transactionType TYRR
transactionType TYRPC


  "transactionId": "0922b8b5-a75b-4038-ae27-44bb36062af0"

Driving Licence Renewal Response component


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
transactionId TransactionID true none Value used to uniquely identify a transaction within the client system, and to identify a request/response pair
dateTimeReceived string(date-time) true none The date and time the request message was received by the DVLA service


  "originatorId": "POL",
  "transactionId": "123456789012345678901234",
  "userId": "john-smith",
  "branchId": "a123",
  "terminalId": "1581239",
  "localDateTime": "2022-01-01T09:00:00Z"

Request meta data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
originatorId string false Max length: 256
Identifies the intermediary organisation supporting the application
transactionId TransactionID false none Value used to uniquely identify a transaction within the client system, and to identify a request/response pair
userId string false Max length: 256
This is the identifier for the Post Office clerk who carried out the enrolment in the branch
branchId string false Max length: 256
Optionally identifies the branch at which the application took place
terminalId string false Max length: 256
This is the terminal ID workstation that was used during enrolment
localDateTime string(date-time) false none The branch date and time stamp when the transaction commenced


    "anyOrgans": true

Organ Donor


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anyOrgans boolean false none Any Organs
kidneys boolean false none Kidneys
liver boolean false none Liver
heart boolean false none Heart
cornea boolean false none Cornea
pancreas boolean false none Pancreas
lungs boolean false none lungs


    "photographImage": "BASE64JPEGSTRING",
    "photoOverride": false,
    "icaoCompliant": true,
    "eyesOpen": true,
    "exposure": true,
    "frontalView": true,
    "greyscaleDensity": true,
    "uniformLighting": true,
    "headWidth": true,
    "headLength": true,
    "widthHeightRatio": true,
    "resolution": true,
    "verticalPosition": true,
    "horizontallyCentered": true

Photo image and qualify checks


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
photographImage string false none Driver photograph contentMediaType: “image/jpeg”, “contentEncoding”: “base64”
photoOverride boolean false none When the indicator is set to Y, the clerk has indicated a concern with photo compliance
icaoCompliant boolean false none Flag to indicate whether or not the facial image is ICAO compliant
eyesOpen boolean false none Flag to indicate whether eyes are open
exposure boolean false none Flag to indicate whether exposure levels are correct
frontalView boolean false none Flag to indicate whether the image is a frontal view
greyscaleDensity boolean false none Flag to indicate whether the greyscale density is correct
uniformLighting boolean false none Flag to indicate whether lighting is uniform across face image
headWidth boolean false none Flag to indicate whether head width is within acceptable range
headLength boolean false none Flag to indicate whether head length is within acceptable range
widthHeightRatio boolean false none Flag to indicate whether face width to height ratio is correct
resolution boolean false none Flag to indicate whether image resolution is acceptable
verticalPosition boolean false none Flag to indicate whether vertical image position is acceptable
horizontallyCentered boolean false none Flag to indicate whether image is horizontally centered


  "photocardSurrendered": true,
  "photocardIssueNumber": "12",
  "counterpartSurrendered": false,
  "counterpartIssueNumber": "3",
  "lostMarker": false,
  "stolenMarker": false,
  "defacedMarker": false,
  "destroyedMarker": false

Licence Data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
photocardSurrendered boolean false none Whether the photo card part of the licence has been surrendered to a third party
photocardIssueNumber string false Min length: 1
Max length: 2
The licence photo card issue number
counterpartSurrendered boolean false none A flag denoting whether the licence counterpart has been surrendered to a third party
counterpartIssueNumber string false Min length: 1
Max length: 3
The licence counterpart issue number
lostMarker boolean false none A flag denoting whether the licence has been lost or not
stolenMarker boolean false none A flag denoting whether the licence has been stolen or not
defacedMarker boolean false none A flag denoting whether the licence has been defaced or not
destroyedMarker boolean false none A flag denoting whether the licence has been destroyed or not


  "structuredAddress": {
    "buildingName": "MONOMARK HOUSE",
    "buildingNumber": "54",
    "dependentThoroughfareName": "OLD GLOUCESTER STREET",
    "thoroughfareName": "OLD GLOUCESTER ROAD",
    "doubleDependentLocality": "DOUBLE CROFT",
    "dependentLocality": "CAMDEN",
    "postTown": "LONDON",
    "postcode": "WC1N 1AA",
    "country": "England",
    "language": "EN",
    "dps": "1A",
    "uprn": "5138439",
    "udprn": "26246299"

If supplied, at least one and only one of a Structured PAF, Unstructured Address lines or BFPO address must be provided - oneOf notation avoided due to not being ubiquitously supported. This is the address to be used for external dispatch. This will be converted into a standard printable address format for output in the address window. For bulk mail handling, the majority (90% at the time of writing) of dispatch addresses need to match valid Royal Mail address with corresponding DPS and mailsort code information.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
structuredAddress StructuredAddress false none Address containing Royal Mail PAF fields for a single address including DPS, which if provided allows for postal cost savings alongside Mailsort information added upon print.
Note that at least one of the following fields must be provided with
a non-empty value in order to provide a useful address to print for
delivery to a recipient:
departmentName, organisationName, poBoxNumber,
buildingNumber, subBuildingName, buildingName, thoroughfareName,
doubleDependentLocality, dependentThoroughfareName,
dependentLocality, postTown
unstructuredAddress UnstructuredAddress false none Address manually entered by a user
bfpoAddress BfpoAddress false none British Forces Post Office address, where BFPO Number is mandatory from the current list of operational BFPO numbers, and postcode is optional


  "line1": "This is a line 1",
  "line2": "VIRTUAL OFFICE",
  "line3": "FLAT 99A",
  "line4": "COPMANY HOUSE",
  "postTown": "NEWTOWN",
  "postcode": "WC1N 1ZZ"

Address manually entered by a user


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
line1 string true Min length: 1
Max length: 45
line2 string false Max length: 45
line3 string false Max length: 45
line4 string false Max length: 45
postTown string false Max length: 45
postcode string true Min length: 1
Max length: 10
language Language false none Optionally specifies address language ISO code, CY for Welsh, EN for English
dps DPS false none Royal Mail Delivery Point Suffix where matched to a PAF address. Uniquely identifies each address (Delivery Point) within a single postcode


  "poBoxNumber": "PO Box 21",
  "organisationName": "BRITISH LANDMARKS",
  "departmentName": "VIRTUAL OFFICE",
  "subBuildingName": "FLAT 2A",
  "buildingName": "LANDMARK HOUSE",
  "buildingNumber": "270",
  "dependentThoroughfareName": "OLD GLOUCESTER STREET",
  "thoroughfareName": "OLD GLOUCESTER ROAD",
  "doubleDependentLocality": "DOUBLE CROFT",
  "dependentLocality": "CAMDEN",
  "postTown": "LONDON",
  "postcode": "WC1N 1AA",
  "country": "England",
  "language": "EN",
  "dps": "1A",
  "uprn": "5138439",
  "udprn": "26246299"

*Address containing Royal Mail PAF fields for a single address including DPS, which if provided allows for postal cost savings alongside Mailsort information added upon print. Note that at least one of the following fields must be provided with a non-empty value in order to provide a useful address to print for delivery to a recipient: departmentName, organisationName, poBoxNumber, buildingNumber, subBuildingName, buildingName, thoroughfareName, doubleDependentLocality, dependentThoroughfareName, dependentLocality, postTown *


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
poBoxNumber string false Max length: 6
PO Box number. When the Post Office (PO) Box number field is populated, it is typically prefixed with ‘PO BOX ’ upon output. Note that the PO Box details can occasionally consist of a combination of numbers and letters e.g. HK860. PO Box Numbers are only allocated to Large Users
organisationName string false Max length: 60
Name of the organisation registered at this address
departmentName string false Max length: 30
Used to supplement Organisation Name to identify a department within the organisation
subBuildingName string false Max length: 30
When a premise is split into individual units such as flats, apartments or business units. Cannot be present without either building_name or building_number
buildingName string false Max length: 50
Name of residential or commercial premise
buildingNumber string false Max length: 4
Number to identify premise on a thoroughfare or dependant thoroughfare. Limited to 4 numbers within PAF - see PAF programmers guide for locating non-numerical building numbers
dependentThoroughfareName string false Max length: 80
Used to supplement thoroughfare. When a thoroughfare name is used twice in the same Post Town, the dependant thoroughfare is added to uniquely identify a delivery point
thoroughfareName string false Max length: 80
A main road or passageway. When the locality information does not identify the location of an address there will be thoroughfare information available. Includes thoroughfare name (60) and type descriptor (20) combined, where common descriptors such as road, avenue, court are provided separately in PAF which can help with abbreviation
doubleDependentLocality string false Max length: 35
Used to distinguish between similar or same thoroughfares within a dependent locality, e.g. small villages
dependentLocality string false Max length: 35
Dependent locality areas may define an area within a post town
postTown string true Max length: 30
A Post Town is mandatory for delivery of mail to a Delivery Point. This is not necessarily the nearest town geographically, but a routing instruction to the Royal Mail delivery office sorting mail for that Delivery Point
postcode string true Max length: 8
Postcode including space. PAF postcodes are max length 7 without space, but for consistency and ease of use storage, transmission and display formats should include it
country string false Max length: 64
Optionally specific address country, e.g ‘Wales’
language Language false none Optionally specifies address language ISO code, CY for Welsh, EN for English
dps DPS false none Royal Mail Delivery Point Suffix where matched to a PAF address. Uniquely identifies each address (Delivery Point) within a single postcode
uprn string true Max length: 12
Unique Property Reference Number. Ordnance Survey unique alphanumeric identifier for every spatial address in Great Britain
udprn string false Max length: 8
Unique Delivery Point Reference Number. An eight digit unique numeric code for delivery points on the PAF File as allocated by Royal Mail


  "line1": "12345678 LCPL B Jones",
  "line2": "B Company",
  "line3": "1 Loamshire Regt",
  "line4": "HMS Dauntless",
  "bfpoNumber": 5432,
  "postcode": "BF1 1ZZ"

British Forces Post Office address, where BFPO Number is mandatory from the current list of operational BFPO numbers, and postcode is optional


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
line1 string true Min length: 1
Max length: 45
Free text, expected to be UNIT or REGIMENT.
line2 string false Min length: 1
Max length: 45
Free text, expected to be OPERATION.
line3 string false Min length: 1
Max length: 45
Free text, expected to be BARRACKS or CAMP or RAF STATION or NAVAL SHIP (if applicable).
line4 string false Min length: 1
Max length: 45
Free text
bfpoNumber integer true Minimum: 1
Maximum: 9999
postcode string false Min length: 1
Max length: 10



Value used to uniquely identify a transaction within the client system, and to identify a request/response pair


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false Min length: 1
Max length: 256
Value used to uniquely identify a transaction within the client system, and to identify a request/response pair



Optionally specifies address language ISO code, CY for Welsh, EN for English


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false Enum: EN,CY
Optionally specifies address language ISO code, CY for Welsh, EN for English

Enumerated Values

Property Value
anonymous EN
anonymous CY



Royal Mail Delivery Point Suffix where matched to a PAF address. Uniquely identifies each address (Delivery Point) within a single postcode


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false Max length: 2
Royal Mail Delivery Point Suffix where matched to a PAF address. Uniquely identifies each address (Delivery Point) within a single postcode


  "errors": [
      "status": "400 BAD_REQUEST",
      "code": "NotEmpty",
      "title": "standardParams.recipientName",
      "detail": "Recipient name field must not be empty."


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
errors [BadRequestError] false none Array of Error objects


  "errors": [
      "status": "500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
      "code": "2",
      "title": "Unexpected Exception.",
      "detail": "An unexpected exception was raised by the service with Error Id: 16011497-35a9-4eef-885b-e5fe552693b8"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
errors [InternalServerError] false none Array of Error objects


  "status": "400 BAD_REQUEST",
  "code": "InvalidRequiredHeader",
  "title": "Invalid Header",
  "detail": "Recipient name field must not be empty."


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none The error HTTP response status
code string false none An error code that relates to a specific error condition
title string false none The error title
detail string false none Further detail about the error


  "status": "500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
  "code": "2",
  "title": "Unexpected Exception.",
  "detail": "An unexpected exception was raised by the service with Error Id: 16011497-35a9-4eef-885b-e5fe552693b8"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none The error HTTP response status
code string false none An error code that relates to a specific error condition
title string false none Error title
detail string false none Error detail