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KADOE API Test Environment

For the following enquiries the date of event can be set to any date after 18-03-2024

Test VRNs

VRN Status Code Description
AA19BBB 200 OK Vehicle and personal keeper details
H789GHF 200 OK Vehicle stolen
2292CZ 200 OK Vehicle exported
J942XHK 200 OK Vehicle scrapped
FV08ABX 200 OK Vehicle and company keeper details with fleet number
X131HEE 200 OK Vehicle and company keeper details without fleet number
111V 404 Not Found No registered keeper
BV58PVS 404 Not Found Details unavailable: Frozen record
7611FP 404 Not Found Details unavailable: Void record
BU05JLV 404 Not Found Details unavailable: correspondence on batch trail
TLK688W 404 Not Found Details unavailable: GEO vehicle
A553UCY 404 Not Found Details unavailable: MOD vehicle
BX51ZFT 404 Not Found Vehicle and personal keeper details - incomplete keeper name details
L59WPN 404 Not Found Vehicle and personal keeper details - keeper details no address line 1
MX02RXO 404 Not Found Vehicle and company keeper details - ‘not known’ keeper company name
F22FFF 404 Not Found No information held

Test VINs

VIN Status Code Description
1C8FZB8912U529823 200 OK Vehicle and keeper details
KJASDHKSFDH 200 OK Multiple matches for VIN

Successful Responses

AA19BBB (200 OK) - Vehicle and personal keeper details

  "registrationNumber": "AA19BBB",
  "make": "FORD",
  "model": "ESCORT",
  "colour": "GREY",
  "taxStatus": "Untaxed",
  "keeper": {
    "title": "MR",
    "firstNames": "JOHN",
    "lastName": "WILS",
    "address": {
      "line1": "1 TEST STREET",
      "line5": "ABERTAWE SA48BA",
      "postcode": "WA LES"
  "seatingCapacity": 2,
  "bodyType": "SALOON"

H789GHF (200 OK) - Vehicle stolen

  "registrationNumber": "H789GHF",
  "make": "FORD",
  "colour": "YELLOW",
  "message": "Vehicle stolen at date of event"

2292CZ (200 OK) - Vehicle exported

  "registrationNumber": "2292CZ",
  "make": "DAIMLER",
  "colour": "WHITE",
  "message": "Vehicle exported at date of event"

J942XHK (200 OK) - Vehicle scrapped

  "registrationNumber": "J942XHK",
  "make": "FORD",
  "colour": "RED",
  "message": "Vehicle scrapped at date of event"

FV08ABX (200 OK) - Vehicle and company keeper details with fleet number

  "registrationNumber": "FV08ABX",
  "make": "FERRARI",
  "model": "360 MODENA",
  "colour": "PURPLE",
  "taxStatus": "Untaxed",
  "keeper": {
    "companyName": "VDAT TESTING",
    "address": {
      "line2": "CHARACTERS SUCH AS",
      "line3": "'() AND -",
      "line4": "IN THE ADDRESS",
      "line5": "SWANSEA",
      "postcode": "SA6 7JL"
  "fleetNumber": "000668",
  "seatingCapacity": 1,
  "bodyType": "TRICYCLE"

X131HEE (200 OK) - Vehicle and company keeper details without fleet number

  "registrationNumber": "X131HEE",
  "make": "SCANIA",
  "colour": "WHITE",
  "secondaryColour": "RED",
  "taxStatus": "Untaxed",
  "keeper": {
    "companyName": "ALAN NEWPORT",
    "address": {
      "line1": "VDAT D6",
      "line2": "DVLA",
      "line5": "SWANSEA",
      "postcode": "SA6 7JL"
  "seatingCapacity": 1,
  "bodyType": "FLAT LORRY"

1C8FZB8912U529823 (200 OK) - Vehicle and keeper details

  "registrationNumber": "E111",
  "make": "FORD",
  "colour": "RED",
  "taxStatus": "SORN",
  "keeper": {
    "title": "MR",
    "firstNames": "EOBXRT PNZOBN",
    "lastName": "AFEPFNTT",
    "address": {
      "line1": "1 PRINCESS PARC",
      "line2": "INDIAN QUEENS",
      "line5": "ST.COLUMB",
      "postcode": "TR9 6PB"
  "chassisVin": "1C8FZB8912U529823",
  "seatingCapacity": 1,
  "bodyType": "SALOON"

Error Responses

111V (404 Not Found) - No registered keeper

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV002",
      "detail": "Details unavailable response to follow"

BV58PVS (404 Not Found) - Details unavailable: Frozen record

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV002",
      "detail": "Details unavailable response to follow"

7611FP (404 Not Found) - Details unavailable: Void record

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV002",
      "detail": "Details unavailable response to follow"

BU05JLV (404 Not Found) - Details unavailable: correspondence on batch trail

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV002",
      "detail": "Details unavailable response to follow"

TLK688W (404 Not Found) - Details unavailable: GEO vehiclE

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV014",
      "detail": "No details held for GEO vehicle"

A553UCY (404 Not Found) - Details unavailable: MOD vehicle

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV013",
      "detail": "No details held for MOD vehicle"

BX51ZFT (404 Not Found) - Vehicle and personal keeper details - incomplete keeper name detail

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV012",
      "detail": "Keeper details are incomplete"

L59WPN (404 Not Found) - Vehicle and personal keeper details - keeper details no address line 1

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV012",
      "detail": "Keeper details are incomplete"

MX02RXO (404 Not Found) - Vehicle and company keeper details - ‘not known’ keeper company name

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV003",
      "detail": "No information found"

F22FFF (404 Not Found) - No information held

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV003",
      "detail": "No information found"

KJASDHKSFDH (404 Not Found) - Multiple matches for VIN

  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "code": "ENV002",
      "detail": "Details unavailable response to follow"