Drivers Enquiries Image Service API v1.2.0
An enquiry service for external consumers of DVLA Driver Data
Click here to see this OpenAPI specification in JSON format.
Base URLs
HTTP Authentication, scheme: bearer Valid JWT token issued as a result of authentication against the API Gateway
API Key (apiKeyAuth)
- Parameter Name: X-API-Key, in: header. API key used to access the service
Image Enquiries
POST /v1/images/retrieve
Retrieve photo and signatures information, for a given Driving Licence Number.
Name | In | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
X-Correlation-ID | header | uuid | false | none | Correlation ID to track the request from the API gateway through the Enquiries stack |
body | body | imageRequest | true | none | The full Driving Licence Number including the check digits. |
Example Request
curl -X POST -d '{
"drivingLicenceNumber": "AAAPY602123BH9PF",
"requiredImage": "photograph"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'X-Correlation-ID: dbcf549a-43db-4b95-aea8-1e6b792397bb' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Success. Returns the requested images for the given driving licence number. | imageResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Bad Request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. | errorResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorised. | errorResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden. No access to the requested resource. | errorResponse |
404 | Not Found | Record for supplied driving licence number cannot be found. | errorResponse |
429 | Too Many Requests | Too many requests in a given amount of time. | errorResponse |
500 | Internal Server Error | The service encountered an unspecified error. | errorResponse |
Additional common error responses are listed in the Common Error Responses page.
Example Response
200 Response
"photograph": {
"image": "string",
"imageFormat": "image/jpeg"
"signature": {
"image": "string",
"imageFormat": "image/jpeg"
"driverRedirect": true
A UK driving licence number (usually 16 digits in length)
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | string | false | Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$ Min length: 5 Max length: 16 |
A UK driving licence number (usually 16 digits in length) |
"drivingLicenceNumber": "AAAPY602123BH9PF",
"requiredImage": "photograph"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
drivingLicenceNumber | drivingLicenceNumber | true | none | A UK driving licence number (usually 16 digits in length) |
requiredImage | string | false | Enum: photograph,signature |
none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
requiredImage | photograph |
requiredImage | signature |
"photograph": {
"image": "string",
"imageFormat": "image/jpeg"
"signature": {
"image": "string",
"imageFormat": "image/jpeg"
"driverRedirect": true
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
photograph | imageType | false | none | Returned image type, (signature or photograph) |
signature | imageType | false | none | Returned image type, (signature or photograph) |
driverRedirect | driverRedirect | false | none | Indicates if record was redirected from cross reference record. |
"image": "string",
"imageFormat": "image/jpeg"
Returned image type, (signature or photograph)
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
image | string | true | none | Image as a base 64 string |
imageFormat | string | true | Enum: image/jpeg,image/png |
image format |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
imageFormat | image/jpeg |
imageFormat | image/png |
"errors": [
"status": "string",
"code": "string",
"detail": "string"
Object containing a list of error responses.
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
errors | [error] | false | none | none |
"status": "string",
"code": "string",
"detail": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | string | false | none | HTTP status code |
code | string | false | none | DVLA reference code |
detail | string | false | none | A meaningful description of the error which has occurred |
Indicates if record was redirected from cross reference record.
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | boolean | false | none | Indicates if record was redirected from cross reference record. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | string(uuid) | false | none | none |